HCE Blog

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Rockstar of the Week: Ron Russette

Every patient that steps into HealthCARE Express has a story, and no one is more eager to hear those stories than this week’s Rockstar of the Week: Ron Russette!  Ron Russette joined the HealthCARE Express team in March 2019 as a nurse practitioner in our Paris, Texas clinic. He has always been interested in the medical field and healing people. He began his career as an EMT and then progres...


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Rockstar of the Week: Jerry Browning

  You know what they say, “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy!” We have a similar belief here at HealthCARE Express. We want our team to have to stop and wonder if they are working or if they are playing. Jerry Browning, a mid-level provider here at HCE, understands that concept better than most! Browning has been with us for 12 years, and he is still loving every minute of his job. ...


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Rockstar of the Week: Dr. Paul Meredith

Sometimes, you just know what you want to be when you grow up. Dr. Paul Meredith, M.D. is no exception. “I was always interested in medicine and never considered another field,” he said, and he’s been working in medicine for almost 40 years now.  Dr. Meredith earned his M.D. at the University of Arkansas and did his medical residency at Arkansas Children’s Hospital. He practiced as a pediatr...


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Rockstar of the Week: Tonya Traylor

Many people born or thrust into adversity do not rise above it. But there are some who take the challenges life has presented to them and flourish. HealthCARE Express’ Tonya Traylor, is one of those people.   One of eight children, Tonya intimately knows struggle. “I think, more than anything, my parents wanted to provide the best for us,” Tonya remarked fondly. Her father worked at Red Rive...


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COVID-19 Antibody Test Available TODAY

Healthcare Express has stepped up again in the fight against COVID-19! We are now offering a COVID -19 antibody test. Did you self-quarantine and now wonder if it’s safe for you to return to work? Did you experience what you thought was a bad cold or thought you had flu but didn’t test positive? Have you wondered if it was COVID-19? When our body fights an infection, it creates proteins, cal...


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Some Things Can't Wait

What Can Happen if Minor Injuries or Health Issues are Left Untreated

  Don’t put off your essential care due to fear of COVID-19! Left untreated, many minor injuries or illnesses can develop into something much more serious. This is doubly true for chronic illnesses that are not being treated properly. Here is what could happen if common injuries or illnesses are left untreated:  Untreated Sprain: Untreated sprains can lead to chronic joint instability an...


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Our COVID-19 Stance

Don't Put Off Your Wellness. Your Health is Essential!

It is important to us that you know you are safe in our clinics and that visiting will not put you at risk of exposure. All patients with COVID-19 symptoms are tested outside of the clinic and remain in their vehicles to minimize the risk of infection for other patients and staff. Don’t put off your essential care due to fear of COVID-19. If you require refills of essential medicat...


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ER vs Urgent Care for COVID-19

  During this time of crisis, emergency rooms across the country are being flooded with patients displaying mild symptoms fearing they have been infected with COVID-19. To keep our local ERs from becoming overwhelmed, HealthCARE Express is trying to inform our communities that we have three ways we can help out.  First, we would like to let our communities know that our clinics are still op...


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Give Your Immune System a Boost!

It’s a sad fact of life: Everyone gets sick. Although, the frequency and severity of the sickness depend on the strength (or weakness) of your immune system. The immune system, more specifically known as the lymphatic system, is the system made up of the organs such as your lymph nodes, tonsils, spleen, and others. The system’s main purpose in the body is to store and distribute white blood ce...


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RICE for Sprains

You’re out for a jog and your foot catches in a crack in the sidewalk. You stumble and pain shoots up your leg as your ankle begins to throb and ache. Or maybe your child was running about on the playground having fun, but then falls because their foot got caught in a hole and they twisted their ankle. Sounds like you may both have a sprain. Sprains occur when the ligaments in your ankle tear o...


Showing: 171 to 180 of 409 (41 Pages)

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