HCE Blog

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Hay Fever and Seasonal Allergies

Hey There, Hay Fever

Allergic Rhinitis, better known as hay fever or severe seasonal allergies, has us questioning if the colorful blossoms, green grass and trees are worth it. Seasonal changes and hay fever almost seem to be a package deal, but what exactly is hay fever?  Well, look no further, because HealthCARE Express has the answers you’ve been looking for.  Goodbye Cold, Hello Allergy Season It never fails ...


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Cardiovascular Disease - Information For Your Heart

Preventing Cardiovascular Disease

It’s February and you know what that means! Hearts, hearts and more hearts! And no, I’m not talking about Valentine's Day, I’m talking about National Heart Month! Maintaining your personal heart health is among the best and easiest way to prevent cardiovascular disease (also known as heart disease),  and protect your heart. Here are a few bite-sized bits of info you keep you in-the-know about c...


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What a Pain! Sinus Headaches Vs. Migraines

Headaches come in all different horrible shapes and sizes, but it can be hard to tell them apart and determine their cause. Is it stress triggered? Is it too loud or too bright? Is it caused by sinus pressure? It’s easy to confuse one type of headache for another, one of the most common mix-ups being between sinus headaches and migraines. The symptoms between the two are quite similar, though t...


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Take the Time to Breathe- Asthma

In people who suffer from asthma, the bronchial tubes in their lungs are always inflamed and are easily irritated. When faced with an irritant or trigger, the airways swell even more, tightening and making it even harder for the person to breathe. Mucus created in the lungs is produced in excess and closes the airways even more. Several different things can trigger an asthma attack, from changi...


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It's Not Just Pollen - Allergens

You go outside as the weather begins to change. The cold bite of winter has left the air and things are beginning to grow again. But there it is. You see it. A yellow powder covering your car. Pollen. You run back inside, but it’s too late. You’ve been exposed. Your nose starts to run and you begin to sneeze. It’s that time of year again:  Allergy season. Or maybe your eyes water and itch whe...


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Looking a Bit Spotty- Skin Cancer Awareness

We don’t often think of our skin as an organ, but it is just as much one as your stomach or brain. The skin is tough and has many different layers of defense to keep off harmful invaders that can harm the rest of the body. But with that in mind, it’s important to know that the skin isn’t infallible. It’s just as susceptible to illnesses and diseases as your other organs. Sadly, one of those dis...


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A-Choose Allergy Treatments!

You go outside as the weather begins to change. The cold bite of winter has left the air and things are beginning to grow again. But there it is. You see it. A yellow powder covering your car. Pollen. You run back inside, but it’s too late. You’ve been exposed. Your nose starts to run and you begin to sneeze. It’s that time of year again:  Allergy season. Or maybe your eyes water and itch whe...


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