The Happiest Fruit

The Happiest Fruit

What can be used as shoe polish, a meal replacement, AND a face mask? Bananas! But did you know that they can make you happy as well? *Siri, play “Happy” by Pharrell! *

Bananas are one of America’s most popular fruits! With their versatility and sweetness, it’s easy to see why we love them. They can help keep you fit as well! These berries—yes, bananas are berries—have many vitamins and nutrients that can help you overcome or prevent a substantial number of illnesses and conditions.  To say bananas will turn your frown upside every time would be a reach.  But, generally speaking, bananas make you happier and feel healthier.

So, how does a banana help your attitude? Well, they contain tryptophan, an amino acid, that the body converts into serotonin.  It is serotonin that is responsible for making people feel happier.  Serotonin, also known as the “happy hormone”, promotes a more positive, happy mood.  Eating bananas will lead to increased levels of serotonin, which ultimately may make you feel more upbeat and happy. Bananas also help with constipation, diarrhea, acid reflux/heartburn, and some even believe they can help you quit smoking! Wouldn’t you feel amazing after all of that too?

How do you cheer yourself up? Is there a song you listen to? An activity you do? Let us know! We are always looking for more tips to share!